Thursday, February 28, 2008

Painting on Location in La Jolla

2/18/08 Monday morning out to paint on location in La Jolla near Seal Beach. It was a cold rainy morning so had to walk to get the ol'circulation going and get a hot coffee before I could set up. Just as well I did as then the sun came out. Found a good spot and started painting a watercolor of the scene. Shirley from Ontario said she loved it and would I sell it, so I said sure and gave her my card as I was not finished yet.

My second visitor was a squirrel, who promptly grabbed one of my paper towels and proceeded to chew on it and had the whole thing in his mouth! amazing! bulging cheeks, hilarious... but then I was quite concerned he might choke, suddenly he decided to spit it out, I guess he didn't like the taste of cadmium yellow!! whew

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