Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Neigbors- Twins!!!

I've been keeping an eye on my neighbors since they are two feet away from my studio window. The Parents are very protective of their kids, especially as there is a mocking neighbor nearby. I was watering the flowers today and I spotted Mom with her kids, so I had to take a photo! ok you know who I'm talking about, its the O'Bird family, aren't they precious ;-) Mom if you are reading this all birds are beautiful even the pigeons and black birds! they just have different personalities! My mother loves birds except for the latter so I have to give her a hard time and any of you who feel the same :-) that includes me as I was ready to buy a bebe gun for the Mocking Bird, ok I know bebe is a fashion label, as I worked on that account, just not sure how to spell beebee gun?? so many ways! So I purchased an fake Owl to scare the Mocking bird away...hey it worked for a week and I was thrilled... now he's back... Plan B... still TBD....if you have any other ideas please let me know. Thankfully these babies are safe as he didn't eat these eggs ;-)

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