Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3/17 Lake Poway Oil

Took a day trip out to Lake Poway to see the wild flowers and the lake with two painting buddies. This painting I need to fix. I will delete the 3 trees on the left and add a hill so your eye doesn't go off the page and make some other edits. I'll post the final one later.

We saw lots of species of birds and I loved the geese but boy were they cheeky and made a beeline for me setting up my easel. Heres a photo of Fred going in for attack. He came charging out of the water and waddling up the hill to attack me so I held my ground, nervous but my passion for art took over, and he made a huge racket of squawking and then attacked my shoes, thank goodness for two things: 1. I wasn't wearing flip flops, 2. and he has no teeth! hilarious! once he pecked at me a few times he realized i wasn't a threat so posed for a few photos! which will be my next painting, thanks Fred :)

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