Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week 6- 3/17th- Simba Cat Portrait

Monday 17th - Went to Balboa Park to paint but must admit I got distracted by all the goings on with St Patricks Day. So headed to the notorious Davis Marketing Celebration on 5th Ave where we had a great re-union with Leslie and her present and past employees plus family and lots of friends. It was a great time! the parade went right by her building so talk about front row seating!!

Tues 18th - Computer Day and meeting with Web Designer Scott to revamp my website. Worked on Blog updates.

Wed 19th - Worked on excel spreadsheet for finances, paid bills, checked emails etc. Worked on commissions.

Thurs 20th & Friday 21st - Finished the painting of "Simba" the second cat portrait for Tina.

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